2019 Engineers Week




Engineers Week Banquet: 
Saturday, February 23, 2019 at Koolau Ballrooms and Conference Center
To download registration form and pay by check, click here. To register online and pay by credit card, click here.

Guest Speaker at Banquet: 

Bob Sigall

Engineers invent things that amaze us in the moment. Think jaw-dropping space launch. But many of us take for granted much in this engineered world that is everyday amazing, like clean drinking water at the turn of a faucet.

During Engineers Week we celebrate engineers and how they improve our lives. The need for the next generation of practical inventors and innovators continues. Who will step up?

During Engineers Week or any time of year, inspire future engineers with your knowledge and enthusiasm.

About Engineers Week

Engineers Week was founded in the United States in 1951 by the National Society of Professional Engineers to raise public awareness of engineers’ positive contributions to our quality of life. By promoting a technical education in math and science, Engineers Week also encourages students to pursue a career in engineering. Today, Engineers Week is sponsored by a formal coalition of more than 70 engineering, education, and cultural societies; and more than 50 corporations and government agencies. Engineers Week reaches thousands of schools, businesses, and community groups across the United States.

The Hawaii Council of Engineering Societies (HCES) organizes local Engineers Week activities on O‘ahu annually. The 2019 Engineers Week activities commenced with the Engineering Exhibits Display by participating societies and technical organizations on February 18th at Windward Mall, the Kick-Off Luncheon on February 19th at the Hale Koa Hotel, along with VEX IQ Challenge Scrimmage, and culminates with the Engineers Week Banquet on February 23rd at the Ko‘olau Ballrooms.

Highlights of the Engineers Week Banquet include guest speaker Bob Sigall, Hawai‘i Historian, the presentation of four prestigious engineering awards and the installation of the 2019 HCES officers.

National Engineers Week

At the national level, Engineers Week is sponsored by the National Engineers Week Foundation, a formal coalition of more than 100 professional societies, major corporations, and government agencies. The Foundation, a 501(c) (3) non-profit entity, is dedicated to ensuring a diverse and well-educated future engineering workforce by increasing understanding of and interest in engineering and careers in technology among young students and by promoting pre-college literacy in math and science.

The National Society of Professional Engineers founded the first National Engineers Week in 1951 to raise public understanding and appreciation of engineers' contributions to society. It is held during the week of George Washington's birthday. President Washington was a military engineer and land surveyor. Engineers Week is among the oldest of America's professional outreach efforts. To reflect the global nature of engineering and Engineers Week partners, the event was re-designated as Engineers Week without “National” in the name.

The Hawaii Council of Engineering Societies (HCES) has been in existence since 1965. It is an umbrella organization for the engineering societies in Hawaii with seventeen member organizations. Our charter is "to improve the public image of engineers, encourage registration of all qualified engineers, and to stimulate qualified students in public and private schools to enter engineering and related sciences as their life work." HCES has been celebrating Engineers Week in Hawaii since 1965.