Constitution & Bylaws
Sec. 1.0
This organization shall be known as the HAWAII COUNCIL OF ENGINEERING SOCIETIES (HCES), (the "Council").
1.1 The Council is an umbrella organization representing engineering societies to promote excellence, innovation, cooperation, professional growth and fellowship in the engineering professions.
1.2 The Council represents architectural, civil, chemical, electrical, fire protection, mechanical, structural engineers and land surveyors, who practice in industry, education and government.
1.3 The Council has served its members and the people of the islands in the State of Hawaii since 1965.
Sec. 2.0
The purpose of the Council shall be the accomplishment of the following objectives for the member engineering societies:
2.1 Organize and coordinate NATIONAL ENGINEERS WEEK activities in Hawaii.
2.2 Improve the public image of the engineering professions.
2.3 Encourage registration of all qualified engineers.
2.4 Stimulate students to enter engineering and related sciences as their life work.
2.5 Provide a forum for discussing the objectives of the various engineering societies, with the aim of providing, where practicable a common approach to these objectives.
2.6 Coordinate with and/or support activities of related organizations to further common programs of the member societies.
2.7 Support appropriate programs to interest research and development types of industries to locate in Hawaii.
2.8 Publish the monthly engineering news newsletter "WILIKI-O-HAWAII" for the member engineering societies.
Sec. 3.0
This Council shall be composed of one Representative or Alternate from each of the member societies within the State of Hawaii, and a Representative of the College of Engineering, University of Hawaii.
Sec. 3.1 Representatives shall be empowered to speak authoritatively for their society. However, their actions are not binding on their member society. They should participate regularly in the board meetings of their society in order to insure a maximum interchange of information between the Council and the individual's society. To foster fresh ideas within HCES, the Council encourages the representative from the various societies be rotated on an annual or biannual basis (Exceptions can be allowed for those representatives that are in elected or appointed positions).
Sec. 3.2 Each society shall be represented by a Representative or Alternate, preferably with terms of appointment to run for two consecutive years and said terms to be arranged so as to have one new and one retiring Representative each year. Each member engineering society shall notify the Council of such appointments within 30 days after said appointments.
Sec. 3.3 Each member engineering society and the College of Engineering shall have but one vote. Each society shall establish a procedure by which its Representative will decide on the casting of its vote. Only voting member is allowed to nominate candidates for election to offices.
Sec. 3.4 This Council shall be the sole judge in determining the eligibility of an engineering society for membership and shall be judged by its demonstrated support and identification with the objectives stated in Article II.
Sec. 4.0
The officers of this Council shall consist of a Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer elected by the Representatives and Immediate Past Chair. It is recommended that not more than one officer representing the same society be elected. Any exceptions must be approved by two-thirds of the Council.
Sec. 4.1 The officers shall serve for one year commencing on the first day of March and ending on the last day of February of the following year. After completing his/her term of office, it is preferred that each officer runs for the next higher position. It is also preferred that no one serve in any of the positions for more than one (1) year except as stipulated in Sec. 4.7.
Sec. 4.2 The slate of officer candidates shall be determined by the Nominating Committee prior to the December meeting and a sample ballot passed out to all member engineering societies at that meeting. The slate of officers and the sample ballot shall be the responsibility of the outgoing Chair.
Sec. 4.3 The closing of nominations and the election of new officers shall be held during the January meeting. The election shall be by written ballot, with the candidates receiving the plurality of votes for each office being elected.
Sec. 4.4 Nominees for any officer position shall have served as a Representative on the Council for a minimum term of one year.
Sec. 4.5 In the case of the disability of any officer of the Council, or unfulfilled performance of the duties of the office, the Council shall have power to declare the office vacant by a two-thirds vote taken at a duly constituted meeting of the Council. A vacancy in the office of Chair shall be filled by the Vice-Chair, and a vacancy in the office of Vice-Chair shall be filled by the Secretary. Other vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term by appointment by the Council.
Sec. 4.6 Each officer shall have a vote in Council matters. Each representative shall have a vote. If officer is also designated representative, he/she shall not have two votes.
Sec. 4.7 Eligibility for Re-election: Officers are elected for one-year terms, but may be re-elected to consecutive terms. The Council's Chair may be re-elected to the same office for one consecutive term.
Sec. 4.8 Duties of Nominating Committee: The Council Chair shall appoint at least three (3) past Chairpersons to the Nominating Committee. The Committee shall select from the members eligible to hold office not more than two candidates for each office. No candidate shall serve in more than one position.
Sec. 4.9 Nomination by Members: Additional nominations of members in good standing who consent orally or in writing to be candidates may be made.
Sec. 4.10 Voting and Election: Not less than ten (10) days prior to the February meeting, the Secretary shall send a mail ballot, in the case of elections by mail, or a proxy statement, in the case of elections at meetings, to all members with voting rights. In the case of elections at meetings, the Chair shall appoint two (2) tellers to assist in conducting the election. The Board or the tellers, if any, shall promptly tally all votes. The candidate receiving a majority of the votes cast for each respective office shall be declared elected. If there is a tie vote, there shall be a run-off election.
Sec. 4.11 Installation: Officers shall be installed at the annual meeting of the Council and shall assume their duties on the 1st day of March.
Sec. 5.0
In consonance with its mission of preparing and presenting NATIONAL ENGINEERS WEEK activities and related year-round activities, the Council shall submit each year in November to the member societies a proposed budget for the next fiscal year beginning the first day of April and recommendations for assessments from each society. A report reviewing the fiscal year’s activities shall be attached to the proposed budget. The budget and report shall be the responsibility of the Treasurer.
Sec. 5.1 The Council shall determine the annual assessment due from each society based upon the number of dues-paying members. If necessary, the Council may request additional assessments from member societies.
Sec. 5.2 The Treasurer shall not serve for more than two full consecutive terms. The Vice-Chair shall be responsible for the annual audit of the financial statements presented by the Treasurer.
Sec. 5.3 In the event of dissolution of the Council, any funds or assets remaining after payment of legal obligations shall be apportioned back to the member engineering societies according to the proportion of contributions by the societies for the most recent five (5) years. In no event shall any wages, salaries, or honorariums be paid to the members of the Council.
Sec. 5.3.1 In the event that the member engineering society is not then in existence or has been dissolved, its assessment paid to the Council is not transferable.
Sec. 5.4 The Council’s fiscal year shall be from April 1 to March 31. The Treasurer shall be responsible to file with IRS the appropriate form as required by US Department of Taxation and State of Hawaii Department of Taxation.
Sec. 6.0
Regular business meetings shall be held throughout the year at dates and places determined by the Council. In the absence of any business to be transacted, the meeting may be cancelled.
Sec. 6.1 Special meetings may be called at the direction of the Chair, Vice-Chair or two-thirds of the Council.
Sec. 6.2 A quorum shall consist of a majority of the representatives from the member engineering societies.
Sec. 6.3 The Council may invite ad hoc participation by other organizations or individuals.
Sec. 7.0
General: All committees shall be designated as Standing Committees or Special Committees. Standing Committees are mandatory and are of a continuing nature, while Special Committees are created for a specific purpose and may be dissolved when their functions have been completed. Special committees shall be appointed by the Chair as required.
Sec. 7.1 Standing Committees are primarily essential to Council activities and operation. They are as follows: Historical, Honors & Awards, Publications, Special Event and Website.
Sec. 7.1.1 Historical Committee: The Historical Committee shall collect and safeguard facts, photographs, records and other memorabilia pertinent to the history of the Council.
Sec. 7.1.2 Honors and Awards Committee: The Honors and Awards Committee shall consist of a chair and at least three (3) additional members, preferable past chairs. The Honors and Awards Committee shall promote the recognition of outstanding members within the engineering societies and the community in the State of Hawaii. The committee shall establish the criteria for selection and the selection procedures for the following awards:
HCES Lifetime Achievement Award
HCES Engineer of the Year Award
HCES Young Engineer of the Year Award
HCES Student Engineer of the Year Award
Sec. 7.1.3 Publications Committee shall obtain news of interest to the members of the engineering societies and supervise the publishing of the Council newsletter.
Sec. 7.1.4 Special Event Committees shall handle the arrangements for the celebration of the National Engineers Week. These committees are listed as follows: Proclamation; Publicity, Sponsors, Exhibits, Kick-off Luncheon and Banquet.
Kick-off Luncheon
Banquet Subcommittees: Venue, Emcee, Speaker, Invited Special Guests, Registration, Awards & Leis, Bar & Menu, and Program.
Sec. 7.1.5 Website Committee.
Sec. 8.0
All member engineering societies shall be provided adequate notice of any proposed amendment to the Constitution & Bylaws to permit action by the society prior to voting. Passage of the amendment shall require approval by at least two-thirds of the member engineering societies.
Sec. 8.1 All articles of this Consitution & Bylaws shall be subject to alteration or repeal and shall be comply with tax regulations for non-profit organizations or corresponding provisions of tax laws.
Sec. 8.2 Amendments to this Contitution & Bylaws, set forth in written directives to the Council's Board, shall be adopted by a majority of the Board members. Written copies of said amendments shall be sent to all representatives of each engineering societies as well as Council's officers. An officer of the Council shall read said amendments at the next succeeding meeting.
Sec. 9.0
This Constitution & Bylaws and/or any subsequent amendments thereto shall not be made or interpreted to conflict with existing regulations governing any member society.
Sec. 10.0
Robert's Rules of Order Revised shall be the criterion for conducting all meetings.
Sec. 11.0
The Constitution & its Bylaws shall be completed and adopted by a majority of the Council officers and its voting members. Written copies of the said Constitution & Bylaws shall be sent by the Secretary to all representatives of the member engineering societies.