Member Societies
The American Council of Engineering Companies of Hawai'i (ACECH) is dedicated to improving the business climate and opportunities for consulting engineering firms. Our goals are to enhance the professional and business image of member firms and the association, assist member firms to improve their business ability, upgrade the quality of their services and achieve financial goals, and advocate for improvement of the business environment for member firms.
The American Public Works Association (APWA) is an international educational and professional association of public agencies, private sector companies, and individuals dedicated to providing high quality public works goods and services. Originally chartered in 1937, APWA is the largest and oldest organization of its kind in the world, with headquarters in Kansas City, Missouri, an office in Washington, D.C., and 63 chapters throughout North America. APWA provides a forum in which public works professionals can exchange ideas, improve professional competency, increase the performance of their agencies and companies, and bring important public works-related topics to public attention in local, state and federal arenas. Locally, the APWA Hawaii Chapter also promotes public works by providing scholarships and funding to qualifying college and high school students.
The Hawaii Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) is the State's largest voluntary engineering organization with over 1000 members. Its mission is to develop leadership, advance technology, advocate lifelong learning, and promote the profession. Activities of the Society include outreaching to local schools, organizing technical seminars, providing technical assistance to government entities, supporting the ASCE Student Chapter and the ASCE Younger Members Forum, engaging in fundraising for scholarships, honoring individuals and notable civil engineering projects in Hawaii, and supporting the civil engineering profession in the State Legislature.
Founded in 1894, ASHRAE, Inc. is a non-profit technical organization. ASHRAE fulfills its mission of advancing heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration to serve humanity and promote a sustainable world through research, standards writing, publishing and continuing education. ASHRAE is an international organization of 55,000 members from 137 countries around the world. Of those members, approximately 7,500 are active volunteers from the 14 regions worldwide. With 7,500 volunteers at 100 hrs per year, ASHRAE members donate about 750,000 hours of volunteer time on an annual basis. ASHRAE depends on its volunteers for its continued success in advancing HVAC&R to serve humanity and promote a sustainable world. There are the 170 chapters worldwide in 4 continents. Majority of these chapters are located in North America within the 48 contiguous states and 10 provinces of Canada. Others are in South America, Asia, Europe, Alaska & the Islands of Hawaii including the ASHRAE Hawaii Chapter. Established in 1969, the ASHRAE Hawaii Chapter is proud of its accomplishments, as many volunteers have contributed to the success of this great chapter over the last 40 years.
Founded in 1880 as the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), today ASME International is a nonprofit educational and technical organization serving a worldwide membership of 125,000. Originally in the 19th century ASME centered on machine design, power generation, industrial processes and boiler and pressure vessel codes and standards. Today, mechanical engineers have one of the widest scopes of the engineering disciplines ranging from the traditional mechanic engineering, to aircraft and rocket design, high tech electronic component designs and now nanotechnology. Three of the founding members of the local Hawaii section in 1953 were Fellow Francis Rhodes Montgomery a HECO VP of engineering, Fellow Fred Kohloss a recognized mechanical engineering consultant and Henry Aurand, Retired Lt. General U.S. Army.
The Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering International (AACE) is the world's largest professional organization for cost management professionals. For over 40 years, AACE International has kept its members abreast of new technologies, practices, techniques, and advances in all aspects of Total Cost Management including cost engineering, estimating, planning and scheduling, project management, value engineering, and many others. Since 1956, the Association of Total Cost Management, AACE International, has provided members with the resources they need to enhance their performance and ensure continued growth and success. With more than 5,500 members world-wide, AACE International is the largest organization serving cost management professionals. AACE International has members in 78 countries and currently includes 70 local sections.
The Engineers and Architects of Hawaii (EAH) was founded on May 2, 1902 and is the oldest association of Engineers and Architects in Hawaii. The organization takes pride that it has held continuous weekly Friday meetings of Engineers, Architects and other technical professionals for over a century even through times of War. The association was organized for the purposes of providing a means for the interchange and dissemination of information among the engineers, architects, surveyors, and other interested professionals; serving in an advisory capacity and assisting in the passage of legislation; promoting good fellowship; and encouraging an active interest in community affairs. Original members consisted of sugar technologists, engineers, architects and surveyors. Today, EAH’s membership represents the cross-section of all the engineering fields in the planning, development, operation, and maintenance of all types of structures, facilities, and research required by the private industry, Federal, State and City governments and the Military. Over the years, the most prominent of Hawaii’s leaders in the Engineering and Architectural community have severed as President.
The Filipino American League of Engineers & Architects (FALEA) is a group of professionals forming an extensive network of engineers, architects, surveyors, contractors and allied professions throughout the State of Hawaii. Its mission is to promote a high standard of professionalism by fostering opportunities for career advancement. The organization also aims to promote unity, friendship, camaraderie and mutual assistance among its members. FALEA was established in 1993 by Juny La Putt, Paul Lucero and Vergel Del Rosario. They are three Filipino engineers who felt the need to organize a group that would give Filipinos a better chance at success in the professional licensing process and promote its member's image and reputation. It has consistently attracted new members over the years and has a list of more than 300 members in its roster. Since its inception, it has evolved into a very active and tightly-knit group with focus on providing programs for continuing education and training needed to meet the requirements for technical practice in Hawaii. Although its membership is composed mainly of Filipinos, it is open to professionals of other ethnic backgrounds and nationalities.
The Hawaii Society of Professional Engineers (HSPE) is an affiliate of the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE). The mission of HSPE is to promote the ethical, competent, and licensed practice of engineering. Because service to the public is a fundamental obligation of the professional engineer, HSPE dedicates itself to the promotion and protection of the profession of engineering as a social and economic influence vital to the welfare of the community. In conjunction with the annual HCES Engineers' Week Celebration, HSPE awards the Engineer of the Year Award at the Engineers' Week Banquet.
HWEA is a member association of the Water Environment Federation (WEF), which is headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia. WEF is an international not-for-profit educational and technical organization of more than 40,000 water quality experts. WEF’s mission is to preserve and enhance the global water environment.
The 400 members of HWEA include environmental and sanitary engineers, planners, wastewater treatment plant and collection system operators, chemists, microbiologists, ecologists, regulators, public health officials, scientists, researchers, educators, and concerned citizens.
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), is a non-profit, technical professional association of more than 377,000 individual members in 150 countries. It is most popularly known and referred to as IEEE. Through its members, the IEEE is a leading authority in technical areas ranging from computer engineering, biomedical technology and telecommunications, to electric power, aerospace and consumer electronics, among others. Through its technical publishing, conferences and consensus-based standards activities, the IEEE produces 30 percent of the world's published literature in electrical engineering, computers and control technology holds annually more than 300 major conferences and has nearly 900 active standards with 700 under development. Numerous modern day conveniences are attributed to the electrical engineering profession. Electricity and it's many applications, communications (including radio, television, cellphones, etc.) cardiac pacemaker, radar used in navigation allows us to "see beyond the horizon".
The Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) is an educational and scientific organization of transportation professionals meeting society's needs for safe and efficient surface transportation through planning, designing, implementing, operating and maintaining these systems. ITE members are employed in the public sector at the federal, state, and county levels as well as from consulting firms, universities, and manufacturers/suppliers.
The Society of American Military Engineers (SAME) brings together professional engineers and those in engineering-related fields, to improve and increase the engineering capabilities of the nation and to exchange and advance the knowledge of engineering technologies, applications, and practices. SAME was founded to engage military and federal government engineers with those in private life for the purpose of improving the engineering potential of the United States. The Society today has some 25,000 members from industry, the military, government, and academia.
The Hawaii Chapter of the Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SAME) was established in 1964. The Hawaii Chapter is part of the international Society of Fire Protection Engineers. Our goal is to advance the science and practice of fire protection engineering in Hawaii, to maintain a high ethical standard among our members, and to foster fire protection engineering education in Hawaii. The primary focus of the Chapter has been to provide quality educational programs to its members. Our members consist primarily of consulting engineers with some representation from government, insurance, and contracting sectors. SFPE Hawaii has representation on the Hawaii Council of Engineering Societies, the Honolulu Building Code Review Committee, the State Model Fire Code Review Committee, the Honolulu AIA Codes Committee, and the Honolulu Community College Fire Science Advisory Committee.
The Society of Women Engineers (SWE) is a non-profit, educational, service organization dedicated to the advancement of women in the engineering profession. The SWE mission is to stimulate women to achieve their full potential as leaders in the engineering field, expanding the engineering profession and improving quality of life by demonstrating the value of diversity. SWE-HI offers General Meetings, a Professional Development Series of technical tours and speakers, and outreach events. In addition, SWE-HI partners with the University of Hawaii Collegiate Section to provide mentoring, resources, and support. Founded in 1950, SWE has 9,012 professional and 11,937 collegiate members nationally, and approximately 35 local Region A Members at Large who will become SWE-HI members once chartered in summer 2011.
The Structural Engineers Association of Hawaii (SEAOH) is a professional/technical organization dedicated to the advancement of the arts and science of structural engineering, the maintenance of high professional standards, and the furtherance of the general welfare of the membership. Individuals who are regularly engaged in or affiliated with the practice of structural engineering hold membership.
The University of Hawai‘i has always been dedicated to providing the highest quality engineering education for the people of Hawai‘i, from awarding the first engineering degree in 1912, just five years after the university was founded, to the establishment of the College of Engineering in 1959. It continues the commitment as a major international institution embracing the world through the breadth of its faculty and student body and the caliber of its high technology instruction and programs.